Thursday, July 7, 2011

Corn Off the Cob with Green Onions

Okay, I admit it. I have "corn-on-the-cob" phobia. I envision biting into it and leaving behind my teeth. It just makes me queasy. And then there's the whole messiness of it--bits get stuck between your teeth. Your fingers get all greasy and buttered. You need five napkins to keep wiping your mouth.

I prefer corn off the cob. It's just a bit more civilized (really, I'm not a snob) and you can do all kinds of things with it. The other day in the grocery store a woman just went on and on how our store didn't have a "corn-shucking" station. She wouldn't shut up. To me, taking out several ears of fresh corn to the back porch to shuck is just part of the ritual of eating it. The peek-a-boo strip of golden kernels as you pull off the leaves revealing that fresh, green scent.

Having grown up in the Midwest, I, of course, grew up with corn. Many of my "backyards" were literally corn fields, albeit it was feed corn for animals. Still, it's a gorgeous plant, tall and stately with its green, tropical-like leaves. And then those lovely ears with plumes of silk.

This recipe is about simplicity and taste. The green onion doesn't overpower the sweetness of the corn. And, it's just pretty.
  • 3 ears, fresh corn for 2 cups of kernels
  • 3 green onions for 1/2 cup, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

Shuck the corn leaving the stem or stalk intact so you can use it as a handle when you de-kernel it. I use an old baking sheet, not a bowl, to de-kernel corn. It provides a wider surface to catch the kernels. Use a sharp knife. Holding the stem in one hand, push the knife away from you and down the cob. You should end up with about 2 cups.

Chop the green onion, including the tops, for 1/2 cup. More is better than less.

Heat the butter and a drizzle of olive oil in a medium pan. When hot, add the green onions and sautee for a few minutes. Add the corn. Stir and mix. Sautee for about five minutes or so. You're just really warming up the kernels. You want them to keep their crispness. Salt to taste and serve.


Ellen said...

The question is - did you try smokin' the corn silk? Wasn't it horrid? What were we thinking?
I'm definitely going to try this recipe - if we ever get corn up here.

Kitchen Bounty said...

Ellen: Sorry, but I never tried smoking it!!!! What were YOU thinking? I guess the corn must be coming from FL. Or Mexico. Not sure. We also have terrific watermelons. But I sure miss Michigan asparagus and strawberries . . .