Saturday, December 23, 2023

Peanut Butter Pie with Chocolate Ganache Topping

If you are ever stumped for a quick-but-welcomed dessert, look no further than peanut butter pie. Appreciated by children and adults (men love it!), it pushes all the bells and whistles from flavor to texture to looks. And there is really no serious baking involved. 

This version is from Richard Sax' incredible dessert-Bible of a cookbook, Classic Home Desserts. I have not made anything I didn't like from this cookbook. I admire and brag on his recipe for Quick-Apple-Cake, a favorite of Kitchen Bounty readers. 

This special-occasion pie is easy to prepare ahead of time. Simply refrigerate until needed. Just a warning: likely there will be no leftovers and people will want the recipe! While the graham-cracker crust is traditional, try the more popular chocolate-cookie crust. Or one from crushed animal crackers. Or just use a pre-baked pie crust of your favorite recipe.

This is a fun pie to dress up for holiday themes! Without make-up, it is still a knock-out-looking pie. But feel free to embellish and dress it up with chocolate curls, broken candy peanut butter cups, chocolate malt balls, whipped cream puffs, candy canes for Christmas, colored Easter eggs for Easter, pumpkins for Halloween  . . . Make an impression! Make it yours for a date to remember! 

From dining room table and fine china to picnic table and paper plates, a slice of this pie is always a winner anywhere it is served!

Makes one 9-inch pie; serves about 8


  • 1 cup graham crack crumbs (about 15 individual crackers)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, softened


  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter (do not use old fashioned or freshly ground)
  • 1 cup confectioner sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream, well chilled
  • Topping

  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 6 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
     1. Crust: Preheat oven to 350 F. In a medium bowl, combine cracker crumbs, sugar, butter until well blended.  Press evenly into a lightly-buttered pie pan or plate, reaching up the rim, but not over the top of it. Bake until lightly browned, about 10 minutes. Remove. Cool on wire rack.

    2. Filling: Beat cream cheese and peanut butter on medium speed until well blended. Add confectioner sugar, vanilla and beat until fluffy.

Whip the cream until not quite stiff. Fold a large spoonful into the peanut butter mixture to lighten it; gently fold in the remainder. Carefully spoon the filling into the cooled crust, spreading evenly. Loosely cover the pie and refrigerate until firm, about 3 hours. 

    3. Topping: Bring the cream to a simmer in a small heavy saucepan--just until you see tiny bubbles form on the side of the pan. Do not  boil! Add chocolate and stir until thick and smooth. Set aside to cool to lukewarm. Gently spread the topping over the cooled pie. Decorate, if desired. Refrigerate until firm. 

This pie can be made 1 day ahead; cover it loosely with wax paper or plastic wrap (a cover if your pan has one) and refrigerate. (I place the pie on a plate and then turn a large-enough bowl upside down to cover it. For perfect cuts, dip knife into warm water per slice.)

NOTE: This is an expensive cookbook, but I got mine used, in mint condition, on-line for about six bucks. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

How to Make the Absolute Best Baked Potatoes + Video

Never did I ever think I needed instructions how to make a baked potato. 

Last night I scored a T-bone steak marked own eight bucks! I wanted a really good, classic baked potato to go with it. That's when I remembered this recipe from America's Test Kitchen.

Let me just tell you that it was the BEST baked potato I ever had. I'm not kidding. It was not at all gummy or overdone at the ends. The skin was not "slippery" or like wet chewy leather. Instead, the inside was dry and FLUFFY! The potato released easily from the skin. And, oh that skin--it was crackling! You will not be disappointed!

No more nuked potatoes for me. No more wrapping in tin foil. 

This is when it pays to have a countertop oven. I have a compact Breville convection oven. In fact, I never even use my conventional oven. It is storage for pots and pans. I baked mine on the "roast" setting at precisely 450 F degrees.

You will need an instant-read thermometer. A scale helps, too, but is not absolutely necessary.

A little green never hurt. I always try to keep both chives
and parsley going through the winter. If not available, use
some celery leaves. Of course, without guests, who cares?

This recipe calls for four, 9- to 10-ounce Russet potatoes. Choose the nicest you can find. I like to be sure the ends are rounded not tapered. You want Russets for their thick skin. Save the thin-skinned Yukon Golds for mashing. I halved the brine since I only made two. Next time, I'm not sure I will dispose the brine when done; instead, I will save for upcoming week. Why not?
  • 4 Russet potatoes, 7-9 ounces each (if you don't have a scale, weigh them at the market). Choose unblemished, non-bruised with few "eyes" and uniform in shape and size so they all cook evenly at the same time. 
  • 2 tablespoons salt. I used Kosher.
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Vegetable oil (I used olive oil), about 1 tablespoon. Next time I will use bacon fat.

Scrub potatoes well. Using a fork or the tip of a sharp paring knife, lightly prick each potato all around--about a half-dozen times.

Roll in the salt brine. Remove to a rack to dry.

Place on a rack in oven (I used a simple rack I placed on top of oven rack) and roast at 450 F. degrees until the internal temperature reaches 205 F degrees, about 45-60 minutes.

Carefully remove and brush with oil. Return to oven to bake an additional ten minutes.

Remove. Cut an "X" into each skin. Lightly push ends toward center. I have individual earthen, oval-baked bowls I put mine into. For those who love the skin ... you may want to serve with a side of Kosher salt for dipping.

These are Mason and Cash bowls from England. Martha Stewart made them
popular here in the States. They are getting more and more difficult to find.
If you spot them in a thrift store, grab them. They have so many uses.

I have not tried the goat-cheese topping in the video below. I enjoy a ton of butter, salt, pepper, thick sour cream and chives.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Simple Chicken Leg Soup with Noodles or Rice

The older I get, the more I appreciate soups. Especially if I'm not feeling well. Right now, I have had "the bug" since January 1. Cooking is not my number one priority.

Anyway, home made soups are super nutritious, fun to make, usually inexpensive, and a great excuse to clean out your fridge.

Chicken soup if my favorite, but not my favorite to make because of the clean-up. It usually involves many large bowls, sieves, utensils, picking through the meat and leftover bones and deflated veggies, not to mention peels and greasy counters and kitchen items.

So, I've been making this small-batch recipe that pushed all the bells and whistles of my desires and tastes: good soup, easy clean-up, inexpensive.

It uses the cheapest of chicken parts: legs (thighs also work, or a combo thereof). Where I shop, I have access to a 3-pack of organic chicken quarters. Rarely are they more than 4 bucks, a real bargain. I'm usually after the thighs, so, after cutting them off, I'm left with three legs. That's when I started making this soup.

I put them in a two-quart saucepan along with some veggies and let it simmer for several hours. It fills my apartment with incredible aromas I can actually inhale if I'm outside on my porch. There's really only one bone in a leg or thigh, and after several hours of simmering, the meat literally falls off the bone, so it's easy to fish out for easy removal without a sieve. The same with the veggies. 

If the strength of the broth is too weak, I add a good tablespoon of chicken Better than Bouillon. That is the ONLY brand I will use. Surprisingly, chicken legs make a superb broth. Refrigerated, it will actually gel.

I usually have the meat with the "pot gravy" for one meal then save the broth for another. For breakfast, nothing is better (or healthier) than warm broth.

When all is said and done, I basically just have a single pan to wash. That's it. EZ-PZ. Nutritious. Warming. Delicious.

My favorite way to enjoy broth is with a tiny squeeze of lemon or thin slice of peel, dried dill, and just a pinch of Cayenne or Aleppo pepper. 

Do use dried thyme leaves!!!  Feel free to use other herbs, but thyme is traditional and, in my opinion, should always be used with any chicken recipe. Dill is also nice, but add at the end when serving, not the beginning. The same with rosemary. People just love to use rosemary when making soup. It's a bad idea.  It can easily overpower your broth with a bitter taste. Use at the very end just until your broth is flavored. For roasting a chicken, use all you want when you want. If I have it, I add a thin slice of fresh ginger.

A few notes: If I want a hearty soup, I add 1-2 nests of pappardelle noodles when the soup is done.  I simply remove the pan from the burner and but in the balls of noodles, cover the pot and leave it for an hour or so during which time the noodles will lovingly swell with the flavorful broth and unfurl for real-life slurping. These are LONG noodles, hence the reason they are wrapped into a ball-like nest. Buy a good brand. You'll never go back to regular noodles. (Great for beef stews, too!)

If I don't have pappardelle noodles, other pastas work equally well. If you're really in a pinch, just break up some spaghetti. Or use washed/rinsed raw rice.

  • 3-5 chicken legs. If small, add one or two more and/or a thigh, but you may need a larger pot.
  • 1 large carrot, cleaned, sliced lengthwise, than into 2-3 inch lengths, or simply cut into medium rounds
  • 1 rib celery, roughly chopped or, into medium slices if you like it with your soup
  • 1/2 medium onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 large garlic clove, smashed, peeled, cut into a few pieces
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme flakes (or a few fresh thyme stems with leaves)
  • If you have it, a few stems fresh parsley
  • If using, one or two nests pappardelle pasta (bronze cut) or a few tablespoons rinsed long-grain white rice
  • Kosher salt-but only at the very end
  • Chicken Better-than-Bouillion, if desired 
  • 4 cups water or just until the chicken is covered
Wash chicken well. Place in pot. Add vegetables. Add water. Bring just to a boil. Reduce to a low simmer and cook for a good two hours. Never boil your soup stock. It will cloud the broth and create a lot of scum that floats to the top. A slow simmer is all you need.

When done, taste, season with salt. Add one or two nests of pappardelle noodles. Remove from burner and allow to sit until noodles have doubled in size and are tender. Taste again for salt and pepper.

If using rice, add the rinsed rice remembering that it will double in size. Do not remove pot from burner. Place on the lowest heat setting possible and allow to cook a good 15 minutes. Shut off the heat. Keep covered. Allow to rest until rice is tender.

To serve, spoon meat portions into a bowl along with some of the veggies. Add noodles/rice. If you have it, a flurry of minced parsley is always nice.

This is plenty for a hearty two servings. For one person, you will have left overs. Simply cover the pot until cool, and place in fridge. It will keep for a few days.

An alternative fun way to serving is to remove the chicken legs prior to adding your noodles or rice. Keep as intact as possible and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with a bit of Kosher salt. Keep covered and refrain from pinching off little pieces to nibble.  Finish broth to your satisfaction. To serve, place one chicken leg in the bottom side of a serving bowl. Fill with broth, noodles/rice. Serve. 

I live on the edge of a wood, so things like chicken bones never go to waste, especially in the winter. I throw them where night critters can easily easily enjoy them. 


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Lime and Ginger Marinade

And ... just like that ... summer disappeared.

In its stead, we are left with a few tomatoes lingering on withering vines. Maybe some stubborn green peppers. Marigolds are wonderfully bushy--even voluptuous, gorgeous, providing camouflage for monarch butterflies who pin themselves to their gowns like broaches.

 But, for the most part, the garden is done. Floral and veggie.

It's all about big-ass bounty. No-nonsense pumpkins. Grenade gourds. Chrysanthemum explosions.

We head indoors to decorate and to garden new recipes. 

Recipes that are a bit hardier. Substantial. Less light.  -burgs and -dogs on the grill wing it South like snowbirds.

Hence,  this recipe.

I have had this particular recipe since the late 90's when it was quite the hit, a child of the now sadly-defunct magazine "Gourmet." The Internet picked it up, in particular, the then-newbie and popular "Epicurious

I made it often, particularly in the summer ... But then I ended up in North Carolina where grills are not allowed in apartment complexes. I tried it without, but you do really need one. Even in the dead of winter.

I had thought this was on my blog but discovered I had mistakenly erased it. I have another pork tenderloin recipe and both begin with the word "marinated." I haphazardly must of nuked this one. I apologize to all who would have tried it. Loved it. Now is your chance.

Don't be put off by the combination of lime and ginger. It's wonderful. 

Please note: this calls for a pork tenderloin, not a loin. Those are two separate cuts of meat. 

I have never felt inclined to make the marmalade. It's up to you  . . . Serve with rice* and a fresh, green veggie such as asparagus or broccolini. Also great with grilled pineapple slices.

I usually half this recipe. Be sure to taste the marinade. I like to be able taste the lime. Some people add a bit of honey or sugar. I never have.

  • 6 large garlic cloves, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1/3 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • Cayenne to taste (I use Aleppo pepper)
  • 4 pork tenderloins, about 3/4 pound each, trimmed of silver skin and flabby parts. If they have a long "tail," I fold it over and secure with a toothpick. Or just cut it off to make a uniform loin.

To make the marinade: 

In a blender, or small food processor, blend marinade ingredients with  salt and pepper to taste. I like to be able to taste the lime.

In a large, sealable plastic bag, combine pork with marinade. Seal bag, pressing out excess air, and put in a shallow baking dish or on a plate to catch any leakage. Marinate pork, chilled, turning occasionally, at least one day--I've kept it up to two days.

Prepare grill.

Let pork stand at room temperature about 30 minutes before grilling. Remove from marinade, letting excess drip off, and grill on an oiled rack set 5-6 inches over glowing coals, turning every 5 minutes, until a meat thermometer register 160 F, 15-20 minutes. (I prefer 140-145 with just a bit of a blush in the center.)

Transfer meat to a cutting board and let stand 5-10 minutes. Slicing is individual preference and depends on the number of people you are serving. They recommend 1/2-inch slices. I don't really like thick slices or "chunks." You do you.

Marmalade: Warning, lots of stirring . . .

I have never made the marmalade, so I can't really vouch for it one way or another.

  • 1 1/4 lbs. yellow or red onions, chopped fine (about 4 cups)
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 fresh jalapeño chilies, seeded and minced (wear rubber gloves
  • 2 tablespoons honey or sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
  • 1/4 water

In a large, heavy skillet, cook onions in oil with salt and pepper to taste over medium heat, stirring, until softened. Add Jalapeños and cook, stirring, one minute. Add honey or sugar and cook, stirring, one minute. Add vinegar and simmer, stirring, until almost all liquid is evaporated. Add water and simmer, stirring, until mixture is slightly thickened and onions are very tender, about ten minutes. Season marmalade with salt and pepper. Maybe made two days ahead and shilled, covered. Reheat before serving.

*If you have access to Stonewall Kitchen products, I highly recommend their Citrus Rosemary Sauce to use with the plain white rice. It has a "pineapple" vibe and it's something I mostly always keep on hand because it is so versatile. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Privileged Cornbread


Here in the South, cornbread is almost always sold in the bakery department at one's local grocery store. And you can count on biscuits to be found on many menus and in the kitchens of Southern born-and-raised folk. Everyone has a secret biscuit recipe or technique passed down from their "meemaw." 

I am a bread snob and prefer artisan-created breads. But they are getting a little too pricey. They are now selling "half loaves," but those are even worse of a deal. 

So I've been making cornbread. In the Colonies, it was called "pone" or "corn pone." A wedge is considered a "pone." It's great in the morning with my coffee. A bit of good butter and jam. Perfect. For lunch, a few slices of cold cuts or since it is still tomato season, a few slices of fresh tomatoes, mayo, salt, pepper and a flutter of basil leaves. Now that's good eating. The cornbread absorbs juice of the tomato and mayo. Yum! And, of course, it's always good with whatever you are having for dinner, especially stews and soups.

The other day while making up a batch, I just happened to have a wedge of blue cheese, half gone, sitting on the counter. Out of curiosity, I crumbled some into the batter and, instead of using sugar, squirted in some honey that needed to be used up.

Man, it was GOOD!

In the past, I have added sour cream and canned cream corn.

Because fresh corn is so abundant right now (really, throughout the year), I decided to try fresh corn kernels and they did not disappoint. Frozen and canned, I think, can bake up a bit chewy. Fresh remained plumper, sweeter and crisper.

I use this handy tool for corn. Yes, you need one!

I finely diced a green onion and threw that in. 

I love this gadget! You will, too!

Since it was a small loaf, I used the rest of the corn and another scallion to make a saute to serve with dinner.

Die-hard Southerners insist on white corn meal. And no sugar.  To appease both sides, I simply mix white and yellow together which I keep in 1/2 gallon jar. Problem solved.

I do like sugar, though. Many who insist on no sugar in cornbread end up slathering it with sugar in the form of honey, molasses, or some kind of syrup. So, really, what's the difference?

It's traditional to bake cornbread in a cast iron skillet that is HOT with melted grease. And lots of it. Never a square pan. It is cut into wedges and served warm. 

I have several of these Lodge cast-iron skillets. The two handles are very handy.
It's considered an 8-inch skillet. The bottom is 6-inches. Also great for macaroni
and cheese and Dutch Baby pancakes. Amazon used to sell them in sets
of two, but not anymore. Often, they are on sale.
You can also get a lid, separately. 

Honey is not cheap. So, here I have used white sugar.

I always have bacon fat on hand because I buy it in containers. Many grocery stores now stock it: "BACON UP." And lard. Lard is pork fat. Both are healthier than butter and certainly better for you than any "seed oil." Bacon up has a slight smoky, bacon flavor and is perfect for frying eggs. It's also great for greasing the sides of casserole dishes. Add a bit to boiled beans to perk up the flavor. Ironically, it's cheaper at the grocery store than to order on Amazon. It has a long shelf life. I wouldn't be without it.

Also, buy a 'wedge' of cheese. Crumbles are just leftovers ... You don't need a gourmet brand here. My preferred brand is "Litehouse Simply Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut," but it's getting more and more difficult to find. That is some good blue cheese for the money!

  • .5 or one-half cup yellow cornmeal
  • .5 or one-half cup all-purpose flour, preferably unbleached
  • 1/4 - 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2-3 tablespoons melted bacon fat plus more for the pan
  • 1 egg plus one egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk maybe 1-2 tablespoons more
  • 1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese from a whole wedge
  • 1 green onion, white and green parts
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup fresh corn kernels
  • a dasher two of garlic powder
  • a dash or two of ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 400 F. 

To a six or seven-inch cast-iron skillet, add at least one but not more than 2 tablespoons lard, bacon fat, shortening, butter or a combination thereof. Avoid all butter; it scorches easily. Place in oven to melt and to heat up the pan. You want a puddle of grease, not a thin coating. Why? It is what produces the great crust for the bread.

In a medium bowl, add your cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, garlic and pepper. Stir to combine.

In a small bowl, mix eggs, milk and melted fat. Add to dry ingredients and stir just until combined. Batter will be a bit thick. If too thick, add a bit more buttermilk, but you don't want your batter thin, like a pancake batter. Cornbread batter is forgiving and usually bakes up nice.

Gently mix in broken up cheese, onion and corn. 

Carefully, and with oven mitts, remove pan from oven. Gently swirl grease from bottom of pan to coat sides. Or use a brush or spoon. 

Gently and evenly, fill hot pan with batter. It will immediately begin to cook the edges. Return to oven and bake for about 20-25 minutes. The top should be golden with the pone pulling away from sides of pan with just a bit of sizzling grease. A toothpick or cake tester when inserted should come out clean.

WARNING! PAN WILL BE EXTREMELY HOT. USE PRECAUTION. USE OVEN MITTS, HEAVY POTHOLDERS. AVOID DISTRACTIONS. Place wire rack on top of pan and flip. Then re-flip and keep on wire rack to cool.

This is fine eaten on its own without butter or syrups. It is a bit on the rich side. Is it white-privilege rich? I don't think so. Cornbread, like all food,  has always been for everyone and that's how it should stay!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Washington Apple Cake

This is not a fancy-looking cake. Its rustic humility belies its alluring, delicious appeal.

Who doesn't love apple season?
There are almost 7500 unique apple varieties in the world. Here in the United States, we grow about one 
hundred. And we love sweet apples, unlike Europe which treasures apples we have never tasted and which tend to lean on the "herby" side. Difficult to explain. England had some of the best apples I ever tasted ... Many were like sipping a cool crisp glass of Chardonnay. The closest I can think here are Winesaps. What a great old apple. Here in the mountains of North Carolina, some dear souls still tend to the old trees. A bowl of fresh Winesaps will fragrance a room ... And one or two in a pie will make it unique and special!

I love my local farmers market!

Europeans tend to let the apples do the talking in their recipes, so they don't overload them with cinnamon and spices. I know it sounds strange, but it works. Here, we love our apple pie spice. Extra cinnamon. Nutmeg. And lots of sugar. The apples kind of get lost.

I honestly don't know where I got this recipe, but I make it often. It's like a walk through the woods in the autumn. It's fun to change up. Originally, it called for walnuts; but, when I can find them (afford them!), I do love black walnuts and what they add to any apple recipe.

I avoid cakes made with copious amounts of oils. Seed oils, in case you haven't heard, are bad for you. Very bad. They are greasy and you can often feel it on your tongue. Instead, I half the oil with melted butter. And be sure your oil is fresh, not on the verge of going rancid.

This is a dense cake that reminds me of autumn bark on oak trees. The corners and end pieces are almost like brownies. But that's what I love about it. And the pure, clean layer of apples on the bottom. I rarely frost this ... a light coating of powdered sugar will do. Melty vanilla ice cream is good, too ... or a nice English custardy sauce. I could also see a cinnamon or maple-glaze frosting.

I usually half this. Store leftovers, covered, in fridge, and bring to room temp before devouring ... or nuke a bit to have with your morning cuppa ... People say it freezes well.

The original recipe calls for two cups of sugar, but many find that too sweet and use 1.5 cups. I stick with two cups for that "brownie" effect.

  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1 cup vegetable oil (I use 1/2 cup melted butter and 1/2 cup oil)
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon (I use apple pie spice)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (I like the combo of 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and 1/2 teaspoon almond extract. You do you.)
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional. I like black walnuts
  • 4 cups peeled, thinly sliced apples (about 5 medium)
Preheat oven to 350 F. Butter or spray a 9 x13-inch pan or dish. If making half a recipe, use a 6 x10 or 8 x 8 pan or dish. I prefer glass/pottery.

Spread apples neatly and evenly in rows over the bottom of the pan.

Beat eggs until thick and light. Combine sugar and oil or oil-butter mixture and add to eggs. Beat in just until combined.

Stir together flour, cinnamon or apple-pie spice, soda and salt. Add to egg mixture and beat in. Add vanilla.

If using, stir in nuts.

Please note: batter will be very thick!

Dollop spoonfuls of batter over apples and, using an off-set spatula or butter knife,  carefully spread to create an even surface, being careful not to disturb the apple layer.

Bake for one hour or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

If desired, frost with icing of your choice. I think it's just fine plain with a sifting of confectioner's sugar.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

How to Make a Fresh Summer Tomato Galette And Miss Phyllis' "Homerun" Tomato Pie

Remember, tomatoes are fruits. They make great "pies." 

If you've never made a tomato galette, you are in for a real treat. For as long as you live, it is something you will anticipate preparing every summer harvest.

Oh, and it's not real complicated! It is easier than preparing a tomato pie (see below), but equally delicious. Remember, tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables, so they make great pies.

I like the advice from America Test Kitchen to use gruyere cheese on the bottom crust ...  with a thin layer of French mustard. But an aged cheddar would work as well ... to prevent it from turning overly soggy.  If serving warm, I like to add a bit of mozzarella for that ooey-gooey effect. It's your call. Just don't use American cheese or Velveeta!

Try to use multi-colored tomatoes. One yellow always looks nice. If you don't have shallots, use thin-sliced rings of sweet onions. Use a large shallot or two medium. And don't forget the basil.

Seriously, you should make this.

Here are the filling ingredients. Use whatever crust you desire.

I am also including the link to my favorite tomato pie from Phyllis Stokes' website. Sadly, she and her husband have passed. What a fascinating wonderful couple. But her son, Steven, is keeping her channel going, adding his own flair and recipes. She did finally write down the recipe. And do use fresh basil! I also like a bit of fresh pepper and a pinch or two of Italian herbs. It's your call.

Yes, please!

Here are her filling ingredients: